About Us
The satisfaction of our guests is most important to our success. If we miss your call, please leave a voicemail or send a text & someone from our staff will get back with you ASAP. With the exception of Summer holidays, there is a 99% chance we will have a site available for you and your guests.
Our Beachfront Park & Resort is located in Surfside Beach, Texas on the calming Gulf of Mexico. We have 400′ of beach frontage. All 50 sites are full-service (water, sewer and electric) 30 or 50 AMP. 2 sites are absolute Beachfront! Most other sites have a beachview. Some back-in sites are equipped with a free outdoor dog pen for Fido’s enjoyment.
The first half of our resort opened 2012, and our beachside expansion was completed July 3, 2014. Our newer sites are the largest RV sites available in Surfside Beach. All sites are 66′ long & offer fully grassed lawns and picnic tables, all facing the Texas Gulf Coast. Some sites also have a concrete pad under your RV and picnic table. Others with a packed concrete base under your RV and grass under your picnic table. We are the largest and nicest RV Park and the only RV Resort in the Village of Surfside Beach. Our friendly staff will help you with all your needs. We provide a relaxing and enjoyable get-away for our guests.